Can you predict the results of an interview?

After your last job interview, as you anxiously wait to hear back from the company, you can't help but play over each stage of the interview in search of clues as to how you went. Is there such thing as a method for accurately predicting the outcome of an interview, before you get the actual results?
Of course, there aren't any signs that will 100% guarantee that you've got the job; however, the following indicators will give you a clearer idea of whether or not the interview went smoothly.
1) The interviewer gives you a specific time by which they'll tell you their final decision, instead of mincing their words or simply stating that they don't know.
2) The interviewer is interested in knowing whether you have other interviews scheduled and your current notice period.
3) The interviewer works hard to promote the company or the job role. When an interviewer knows that they want to hire a particular candidate, they will spend extra time in order to discuss with that candidate the advantages and opportunities of the position and the company. They will also make an effort to describe in detail elements of the job or corporate culture that may spike your interest.
4)The interviewer spends a lot of time responding to your questions. Generally, towards the very end of an interview, the interviewer will ask the candidate whether or not they have additional questions. The more interested an interviewer is in hiring a candidate, the more elaborate their responses to these questions will be. If an interviewer is truly interested, they will spend time in order to ensure that their responses have satisfied the candidate's curiosity. They will also encourage the candidate to reveal any opinion that they may have been withholding.
5) The interview exceeds the time constraints. If an interviewer isn't particularly interested in a candidate, they will find an excuse to end the interview instead of letting it drag on. Therefore, if your job interview exceeds the time constraints, it's a good indicator.
6) After the interview has concluded, the interviewer introduces you to other staff members, or gives you a tour of the offices.
These are all positive signs that your interview went well but the only way to find out is to continue to the discussions with your interviewer/HR manager or your recruitment consultant.