Money talks: should I put the salary in my job ad?
There’s an age-old question which divides many recruiters and key hiring decision makers: when advertising a role, should you include the salary range in the job ad?
5 reasons why hiring processes are putting off top…
In the complex world of hiring, finding the right balance often feels like a juggling act. You've secured additional positions and are in a rush to bring in professionals, yet the pressure to make the right hiring decisions from the outset looms large.
Pay and Perks: Your Winning Talent Strategy
43% of businesses outlined ‘Can’t compete on pay and benefits’ as the main reason they have lost out on hiring new talent in the last 6 months.
How to calculate a starting salary
You’ve identified that your company requires a new employee. This is an exciting time for you, the team they’ll be joining and the business as a whole. The addition of different skills and a fresh perspective will bring a new dynamic to your workforce.
How hiring temporary staff can meet your seasonal…
At certain periods throughout the year, many companies will have an increased workload that requires additional skills and people to help maximise commercial opportunities. It can be hard to hire at a quick turnaround - the solution? Hiring temporary staff to meet your seasonal demands.
3 New Recruitment Strategies Every Business Should Use
The hiring world was already changing, but now the transformation is clearer to see. New recruitment strategies, accelerated by the recent different ways of working, have come to the fore.
What is key when hiring a great CIO or CTO for a…
Interview with May Lam - Chief Information Officer at Assembly Payments on the importance of hiring a CTO or CIO for your FinTech company.
How do you know when a job offer is a good one?
Even before you're offered a new role, have you thought about what a good job offer is? This practical advice will help navigate what you really want in a new role, and if the offer is the best one for you.
To SME or to MNC? That is the question
As a recruiter, I need to research the labor market and help candidates find suitable jobs. During my interview, I keep asking candidates one question: what’s your preference for your next job? On the other hand, lots of candidates come to ask me what kind of positions the are suitable for.
Want to be a headhunter? Here’s what you need to know
The headhunting industry has been developing in China for more than a decade and it is an industry which is attracting more and more talent of different fields.
Can you predict the results of an interview?
After your last job interview, as you anxiously wait to hear back from the company, you can't help but play over each stage of the interview in search of clues as to how you went. Is there such thing as a method for accurately predicting the outcome of an interview, before you get the actual results?
Interview speeches
As a form of verbal communication, a speech utilizes both spoken and body language to provide a clear and complete response to a specific question or issue, expounding on a position and the reasons behind it, or inciting an emotional reaction in the audience.